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Ukuva iAfrica

Artisan Organization: Ukuva iAfrica

Country: South Africa

Ukuva iAfrica was established in March 1996, when co-founders Nigel and Michael cooked up vast pots of Swazi, Zulu, Malawi and Umsobo Iyababa in the backyard of Nigel's bright pink house on Rose Street in the Bo-Kaap. 

In Jan 2012 Turqle Trading adopted the Ukuva iAfrica brand.

Over the years, the collaboration continued as Turqle helped with the development of the sauces and contributed to spice blends, and early in 2012 the Ukuva sauces and spices were adopted into the Turqle Brands stable.

Turqle Trading is committed to Fair Trade by exporting fair and ethically traded foods from South Africa. The pepper in all Ukuva iAfrica products come from Fair Trade certified pepper producers.

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