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Rosa Maria Larrabure

Artisan Organization: Rosa Maria Larrabure

Country: Andes

Rosa María Larrabure de Tijero was born on October 5, 1962. She studied design at the Toulouse Lautrec University, where she majored in graphic art and serigraphy. She has also taken several art courses with renowned Peruvian artists.

"I describe my work as utilitarian and important, because through my designs I try to bring joy and art to the dinner table," says Rosa María as she presents her colorful work. "I want people to feel welcomed when they sit at the dinner table, which is a crucial moment towards having a good, fun time.

"I've been painting for more than a quarter of a century, and making placemats and coasters for about eight years. I've exhibited my work in several important fairs throughout Peru. It is important for me to attend these fairs as a way of self-promotion, but I only wish I could bring my son on these journey. In a way, it's like a sacrifice I must make in order to provide for him and be able to keep a happy home.

"I use earth-friendly materials because I strongly believe in saving the environment and providing for the coming generations – those who will inherit the earth from us.""

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