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Noah's Ark - Dilshad Hussain and Danish

Artisan Organization: Noah's Ark - Dilshad Hussain and Danish

Country: India

I would like you to meet Dilshad Hussain and his brother Danish! Dilshad and Danish are a few of the metal-working artisans. Their father was one of the first artisans working in this skill in Moradabad, India. Dilshad and his brothers, Shamshad and Danish, took up their father’s craft 15 years age, but instead of working for a factory, became entrepreneurs and built a Fair Trade studio of their own from the ground up!

At this juncture, our India partner Noah’s Ark supported them with the infrastructure and they needed to start up the business, which has grown to supply nearly a million dollars of product to Fair Trade companies all around the world! With the income they receive from our orders, they are able to provide fair trade wages and safety standards to the full studio of 8 artisans that work with them. The impact generated from their efforts has been tremendous: the family has moved from a remote village outside of Moradabad, India, to a slightly bigger town nearby where they own the bottom floor of their building as a workshop and the top floor as their home. GlobeIn was able to visit this workshop in the summer of 2019.

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