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Mother Nature Group

Artisan Organization: Mother Nature Group

Country: Central America

This beautiful altruistic group was founded in mind of the Guatemalan woman who lives in a rural area and needs an opportunity and an education to be able to generate a decent income for herself and her family. "One in four women does not have access to education, and is left vulnerable to abuse for sustenance."

Mónica Valle, founder of this beautiful group says, "The impact is very great when you understand that our country has a poverty rate of 60%. Most of them are vulnerable women. For this reason, I have dedicated these last 11 years of my life to working hard for these women who deserve a better future for themselves and their families. My life has been completely devoted to generating work for so many women in need, as well as helping the development of my country.

"For 11 years, I have witnessed many moments that I have treasured in my heart; but the one I remember the most is that of a 55-year-old lady who learned to make rugs in Santa Rosa. She always told me that she was not going to be able to make them, but later she learned she was one of the main producers, because of the meticulous and loving work she does. Currently the rug that decorates my room was made by her, and I remember that every day.

"Our mission is to train women from the interior of the republic, reaching more rural communities, developing new skills and marketing the products they make through our commercial brand. The essence of our group is to provide raw materials and an opportunity to innovate by working with traditional techniques from our country, as well as the transformation of enhancing the talent of artisans.

"These products are made entirely by hand by artisans from Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Quetzaltenango, Quiché, Santa Rosa, Sololá, Totonicapán and Zacapa, with women between the ages of 18 and 50. Older women have also been given the opportunity to continue generating decent income to help support their homes.

"We have managed to train 7,000 women from 14 departments in 95 municipalities in Guatemala. We received an award that filled us with great emotion and desire to continue--UN Women awarded us for making the largest number of connections from communities to the formal market in 2021.

"The training is currently based on giving the women tools to carry out the artisanal work with the raw materials, which is fabric with natural fibers. Since they still do not have the necessary making and sewing equipment to be able to deliver a complete product, this is a process that we hope to start soon.

"We love using natural fibers, the raw materials that the ancestors of the artisans collected and worked in the field. It gives pieces a modern and trendy touch. We love high-level recycling; the artisans collect the materials in nature and we share the designs to meet the market demand.

"We promote the potential of each one of the artisan women through successful training that has resulted, not only in the creation of products that are characterized by the quality in the elaboration of utilitarian products, but also in the personal growth of each of them. That is why customer purchases are very important for this group; with them they can continue with this labor of love and help so many Guatemalan women.

"All work done by hand is art by itself; it carries an inspiration and a style. The Guatemalan culture is rich in traditions and history, and for this reason the communities always put that stamp on their creations." "

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