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Set of 12 Guatemalan Worry Dolls with Pouch in 100% Cotton - The Worry Doll League
Member:$24 Guest: $30
12 Guatemala Handcrafted Cotton Worry Doll Figurines - A Dozen Friends
Member:$17.60 Guest: $22
$ 22.00 40% off
Handcrafted Guatemalan Worry Doll Ornament - Message of Love
Handcrafted Folk Art Cotton Headband from Guatemala - Quitapena Beauty
Member:$12.80 Guest: $16
$ 22.00 30% off
Twelve Cotton Worry Dolls with a Pinewood Box from Guatemala - Country Beauties
Guatemalan Worry Doll Ornament - Catcher of Dreams
Member:$15.20 Guest: $19
$ 30.00 30% off
Heart-Shaped Cotton Worry Doll Wreath from Guatemala - Quitapena Love
Handmade Cotton Coin Purse with Worry Doll - Helpful Friend
Artisan Crafted Worry Doll Cosmetic Bag - Travel Companions
Member:$20.80 Guest: $26
Beaded Amethyst Earrings - Violet Clouds
Member:$21.60 Guest: $27
Leather and Red Cord Unisex Bracelet - Destination
Soapstone Heart Dish - White
Member:$19.20 Guest: $32
Beaded Red Cord Bracelet with Heart Pendant - Love is Everywhere
Embroidered Llama Pattern Wool Headband from Peru - Llama Parade
Mexican Steel Heart Ornament with Tin Plate and Red Tones - Love of Oaxaca
Handpainted Papier Mache Necklace - Reaching Heart
Member:$18.40 Guest: $23
Papier Mache Bracelet - Ruffled Valentine
Tin-Plated Steel Ornament with Repousse Motifs and Red Tones - Strong Red Love
Floral and Strawberry Pattern Wool Headband from Peru - Flowers and Strawberries
Coconut Shell Soap Dish with Heart Motif - Clean Love